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Award a star to peers directly in Microsoft Teams!

Stars helps employees recognize and celebrate the hard work and achievements of their peers by sending them a star aligned with one of the company's core values

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Award A Star

Built for Microsoft Teams 🛠️

Award stars to peers based on the company's core values directly within Microsoft Teams.

Employees can easily award stars to their peers directly within Microsoft Teams. Each star aligns with one of your company's core values, promoting recognition and appreciation for embodying those values.

AI Writer Built-In 🪄

AI-generated suggestions for fun and unique messages when awarding stars.

If an employee is unsure about what to say when awarding a star, the built-in AI within the Stars app can help generate creative and engaging messages to make the recognition even more special.

Award Posts 🏆

🌟 Each star comes with a personalized note and public post on the team channel.

When awarding a star, employees can include a reason and a personalized message. The recipient receives this note, and a public post is shared in the team channel, allowing the whole team to acknowledge their achievement.

Celebrate Together 🍰

Automatic celebratory posts for employees' birthdays and work anniversaries.

The Stars app also generates fun and unique posts to celebrate employees' birthdays and work anniversaries, adding a personal touch and fostering a positive company culture.

Custom Stars 🌟

Customizable list of stars to align with your company's core values.

Customize the list of stars to align with your organization's specific core values, ensuring that the recognition is relevant and meaningful.

Leaderboards 📊

🌟 Weekly leaderboard updates for managers to track contributions.

Managers receive a weekly leaderboard that highlights the top contributors for each core value, allowing them to identify and appreciate top performers.

Key Benifits

Unlock the full potential of your workforce by enhancing company culture, improving collaboration, retaining top talent, boosting productivity, and strengthening core values with Stars.

Boost employee morale

Recognizing and celebrating achievements increases motivation and overall job satisfaction among team members.

Enhance company culture

The Stars app promotes a culture of appreciation and support, fostering a positive work environment.

Improve team collaboration

Public recognition of achievements encourages collaboration and strengthens relationships within the team.

Retain top talent

By acknowledging and rewarding employees' efforts, you create a sense of loyalty and commitment, reducing turnover.

Increase productivity

When employees feel valued and appreciated, they are more likely to be engaged and productive in their work.

Strengthen core values

Aligning recognition with core values reinforces their importance and encourages employees to embody them in their daily work.

Pricing Plans

No credit card required. Free 14 day trial. Simple fixed pricing. All customers recieve our best pricing.


  • 10 users
  • 5 Custom Stars

Advanced Plan

  • 500 users
  • unlimited custom stars
About Us


Here are our internal Stars based on our company's core values.

Embracing new ideas and thinking outside the box to develop cutting-edge solutions and features that enhance the user experience and drive engagement.

Striving to create user-friendly, intuitive, and accessible tools that prioritize simplicity and efficiency without sacrificing functionality or quality.

Cultivating a deep understanding of our users' needs and expectations, and developing solutions that delight the customer.

Always do the right thing by putting customers first, being transparent and being respectful.

Everyone is a leader who can rally the team, not afraid to get their hands dirty, fearless and resourceful.

Setting high standards for our products, services, and team, and consistently striving to exceed those benchmarks through dedication, passion, and a focus on quality.


Dedicated to transforming workplace culture by empowering employees to recognize and celebrate each other's achievements.